Did some more floor removal today. Looking at this mess, no wonder the trailer stunk.
Is this Airstream common practice?? I'm glad that the fresh water tank didn't have a hole in it. Yes, that's a pile of rat/mouse poison sitting on top of the water tank.
Here's the next panel that came off. Notice the corn in the middle, right next to the rat/mouse poison. I guess that it didn't work. There was also a stray vertebra bone in this mess. Don't know where that came from.
That spider-web of wire's there in the middle is the brake wire. Definitely going to be replacing that.One more panel off. Had to save that panel to use as a walk way. I'm running out of places to walk. I've only got about 3 panels of flooring left and it's all gone!!!
Some Things I Never Knew
11 years ago